Saver is an app for anyone and everyone who likes to have an organized online presence! The idea for the app was born out of frustration over how most social media apps lack the option to properly organize content. I thought I would take the matter into my own hands!
Saver is built with Next.js 14 and heavily utilizes their server actions. Together with the package Next Safe Action and Zod I've built a type safe and reliable way to handle CRUD operations.
Authentication is available trough GitHub and credentials and handled with NextAuth.js v5. The database used is PostgreSQL hosted with Neon together with Edge Store for storing images. Database communication is done via Prisma ORM.
A big focus for Saver was building smart, reusable and accessible components. My favorite way to do just that is with Tailwind CSS, Class Variance Authority and Radix UI.
Other technologies that helped me build Saver include:
- React Hook Form for handling user input.
- React Dropzone and Sharp to upload images.
- Zustand for managing the dynamic sidebar and many menus.
- Open Graph Scraper to aesthetically present links.
Building Saver was my final thesis project for my education at Changemaker Educations. Please reach out if you want to read the full report!